Besides the success of the latest Final Fantasy games, Square Enix has had some trouble finding the success it would like to have.
This is, in the mind of Square Enix’s chief executive officer Takashi Kiryu due to Square Enix trying to do too many different things, when the company should be focusing more into specific titles.
“I want to structure our development function so that we are able to ensure higher quality from each title by slimming down our lineup,” said Kiryu in an investor call.
“We have tried to produce hits by developing a wide variety of titles rather than by focusing only on certain ones. I believe that this has resulted in the splintering of our resource pool.
Meanwhile, there have been clear winners and losers among the major titles released recently in the gaming market, and it has become possible for even indie titles to make their presence felt.
The market is increasingly polarized between blockbuster and indie titles, but I feel that we have developed many titles that fell somewhere in the middle.
I want to make clearer distinctions going forward.”
So basically, we can expect less games from Square Enix total, but hopefully at a much higher quality bar. Somehow, this still feels like Square Enix ruing what Marvel’s Avengers and The Outriders did to its balance sheet.
It’ll be interesting to see how this change in strategy is reflected in Square Enix’s 2024 lineup.
Source – [Kotaku]