
Tales of Zestiria trademark filed for Europe, could this be PS4’s first ‘Tales of’ title?

Namco Bandai has filed a European trademark for the mysterious Tales of Zestiria, which many believe to be the next entry in the critically-acclaimed ‘Tales of’ franchise.

According to Siliconera, the filing was submitted on August 30 for PAL regions, and follows on from the original Japanese trademark spotted back in August.

Tales of Xillia is the most recent title to hit the U.S. and Europe, though over in Japan the sequel, Tales of Xillia 2, has already hit stores.

Presumably Tales of Zestiria is the next chapter in the venerable JRPG franchise, although it remains to be seen what format it will be released on. Could it continue on PlayStation 3, or is a PlayStation 4 version on the cards?

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