Re-Logic has lifted the wraps off the full list of Terraria update 1.19 patch notes, which is now available to download for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game.
Terraria Update 1.19 Patch Notes
New content
- Added Leinfors’ and Arkhayla’s developer armor sets .
- Added Crystal Furniture .
- Added several items to fully flesh out various Furniture sets .
- Added several more platform types .
- Added Golden Chest and Trapped Golden Chest variant .
New features
- Improved visuals of many different things .
- Added “James” as a name that could be given to the Clothier NPC as a nod to the famous Terraria Youtuber, ChippyGaming (James) .
- New error messages for invalid housing .
- NPCs who are manually assigned to a room will have their successor attempt to move in when the original is killed .
- Dungeons in newly generated worlds now contain new furniture .
- Added most of the main menu’s settings to the in-game settings menu .
- Added UI Size Slider to the Settings Menu (results shown in sample images below) .
Bug fixes
- Title crashes when 4th split-screen is invoked.
- Title crashes for the host on the client joining the session.
- Trapped Crystal Chest has a wrong “hover over” image.
- Title crashes upon adding split-screen after modifying the zoom level.
- All “Hover Over” text has blue background boxes.
- Minimap is still present in-game and is graphically corrupt after disabling the map settings from the main menu.
- Order of Recipes for 1.3.5 items in Crafting Guide is not accurate.
- Graphical lines are displayed under the dropped copper coin.
- Tavernkeep NPC quotes for selecting Eternia Crystal fails to appear in the order.
- Damage count is not displayed for the secondary player in the split-screen session.
- The actuator design in the preview is inappropriate.
- Unable to trigger the second ability of certain staffs in build mode.
- Title crashes while exploring the bottom of the world using any wiring items.
- Informational stats are getting overlapped on Minimap after exiting a split-screen player from the session.
- The defender’s forge closes instantly when interacted from below.
- Trapped chests preview is displayed as normal chests in NPC shop inventory.
- Clothes art gets corrupted on re-entering the session after re-launch and changing the armor when the strange dye is applied.
- FPS drop is observed while increasing or decreasing the UI scale while in-game.
- Title crashes on exiting any session.
- UI elements don’t fit into the screen when the UI scale is set to its max percentage.
- Zoom slider does not update dynamically.
- Grand Design will not lay wires or actuators over sloped blocks.
- Title crashes on signing out the profile and selecting the character immediately on the character selection screen.
- The old one’s army has been defeated’ text is not localized in respective FIGS languages for the client.
- Old One’s Army Event music cuts in and out when too many sound effects are playing at once.
- The user is able to access the radial hot bar while in ghost.
- Guide Crafting slot is misaligned on interacting with guide NPC.
- World gets corrupted after signing out the profile being in a multiplayer session
- Items description text overlaps on the crafting recipes preview screen in Splitscreen
- The user is unable to mute other players except himself via player list.