News PS4 PS5 SNK The King of Fighters XV The King of Fighters XV Update 2.42

The King Of Fighters XV Dishes Out Balancing For Dolores, Ash Crimson In New Update

SNK has released a new update for The King of Fighters XV, which implements a new range of balancing adjustments for characters including Dolores and Ash Crimson. Many of these adjustments are related to hit boxes for various moves, as well as fixing timing issue for some other characters’ special moves. You can read the full details in The King of Fighters XV update 2.42 patch notes.

The King of Fighters XV was released for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One in February 2022. You can read our full review here. The King of Fighters is one of the longest-running franchises of its kind, having originally debuted back in 1994 for the Neo Geo arcade system and Neo Geo home console.


  • Hadir (MAX Ver.):
    • Initial hitbox no longer extends outside the stage.
    • Expanded attack hitbox on the second hit to prevent whiffing in the corner.

Ash Crimson

  • Floreal (→ + LK Ver.):
    • Fixed issue where it couldn’t be canceled into from a Special Move during Sans-culotte.

Robert Garcia

  • Gen-ei Kyaku (Normal Ver.):
    • Resolved timing issue where Super Canceling into Haoh Shoukou Ken (MAX Ver.) would mistakenly trigger the normal version.
  • Ryuuren Gen-ei Kyaku (HK Ver.):
    • Expanded attack hitbox for improved connection.

B. Jenet

  • Aurora:
    • Adjusted opponent behavior on hit to improve hit consistency across all strikes.


  • Disgrace:
    • Fixed an issue where the cinematic would fail to play under specific hit conditions.

[Source – Twisted Voxel]