News Nihon Falcom PS4 PS5 The Legend of Heroes Trails Through Daybreak The Legend Of Heroes Trails Through Daybreak 2 Demo

The Legend Of Heroes Trails Through Daybreak II Demo Coming To PS Store On January 24

Nihon Falcom has announced that it will released a PlayStation Store-exclusive demo of The Legend of Heroes Trails Through Daybreak II will launch on January 24, 2025.

PS5 & PS4 owners will be able to sample two main features — Story and Gameplay — with the former allowing you to sample the beginning of the narrative through to the start of the game’s first chapter. Furthermore, your saved data can be transferred over to the full version of the tile when it launches next month.

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The gameplay portion meanwhile will include two floors of the Marchen Garten with two pre-made parties, although unlike the story chapter, you cannot transfer your progress across to the final version of the game.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II expands on its predecessor’s seamless transition between field and command battles, with new mechanics introduced in the form of Cross Charge & Ex Chains. Meanwhile, players are able to progress through the story in any order they wish, as each character features a different cast of characters allowing you to soak up their side of the story.