
Watch Dogs 2 will take more risks, says Ubisoft

Ubisoft has indicated it will continue to take more risks with the inevitable Watch Dogs 2, admitting its first stab at open-world hacking was far from perfect.

Speaking during an interview with GamesTM, Watch Dogs Creative Director, Jonathan Morin, said there’s ample room to improve upon its latest franchise with the as-yet unannounced sequel.

"I don’t think Watch Dogs is perfect in any way and there’s a lot of room for improvement," said Morin. "But you don’t always see this when you ship a game. We deliver what we believe the brand should be at the time.

"But afterward, when you cool down after five and a half years [of development] and take your vacations and people play the game, certain elements become clear. They let you continue to bring what you envision to the next level with the fans included this time, which is where I think it really gets interesting."

Watch Dogs 2 has yet to receive a formal announcement, though it’s pretty much a given we’ll see a new game in the series at some point. 

And for Morin, that means taking more risks, as well as coping with added pressure inherent of any sequel to a major IP. 

"When you start a new project [and new IP], it’s a blank page and everything you do is what you want to do," he explained. "With a sequel, there is more pressure to push a brand forward and we now have to appeal to fans in a new way."

"I will not do this job if there is no risk in it, that would just be boring," Morin continued. "You shouldn’t prevent yourself from trying something just because it’s hard and the solution is not apparent.

"We have to give [the development team] something hard to do. If we don’t, they could fade out, which means you don’t benefit from their knowledge or they will leave. Our team is really assimilated with the challenge we have and who knows where it will lead us next."

Read our review of Watch Dogs here.