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YouTube Finally Removes 1 Minute Unskippable Ads On PS5

If you’re been using your PS5 to watch YouTube, then you’re probably used to putting up with unskippable one-minute ads. Well, it’s now been revealed that these ads have been ditched, and instead you only have to worry about 15-30 seconds ads instead.

This is a pretty big deal as one minute ads were a bit too much, and as someone who uses YouTube a lot when I’m on the exercise bike, it became an absolute nightmare putting up with them interrupting my video. I doubt anyone will be sad to see them go.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that this now puts PS5 in line with other platforms in regards to ads, which only have 30-15-5 second interruptions.

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The PS5 YouTube app was released early on in the console’s lifecycle and was updated with HDR support in November 2021, arriving slightly later than one Xbox Series X/S.