Battlefield 5 Battlefield 5 1.30 DICE News PS4

Battlefield 5 1.30 Update Patch Notes Revealed

DICE has lifted the wraps off the Battlefield 5 1.30 update patch notes for your consumption, with the update now available to download for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. The patch weighs in at 742MB for the PS4 version of Battlefield 5.

Battlefield 5 1.30 Update Patch Notes

Weapon changes

ZK-383, EMP, MP40, STEN:

  • Improved damage model from 4-11 to 4-10 BTK

Light Bolt ZK-383, MP28, M1928A1, Suomi:

  • Improved damage model from 5-13 to 4-10 BTK with faster damage dropoff then the MP40 damage model
  • Increased Vertical Recoil by 25%, and Horizontal Recoil by 60%‏‏‎ ‎Note: Due to an error with our Damage Tables, the M1928A1 will do 9.6 damage at maximum range making it a maximum 11 BTK, but this will be corrected in our next update.

Type 100:

  • Improved damage model from 5-12 to 5-10 BTK

StG 44:

  • Improved damage model from 5-8 to 4-8 BTK

Sturmgewehr 1-5:

  • Improved damage model from 6-9 to 5-9 BTK

  • Reduced Vertical Recoil by 25%, and Horizontal Recoil by 20%

M1907 SF:

  • Improved damage model from 5-13 to 4-10 BTK with reductions made to the damage dropoff.

Breda M1935 PG:

  • Improved damage model from 5-6 to 4-6 BTK

KE7, Type 97, Bren Gun, Lewis Gun:

  • Improved damage model from 5-8 to 4-8 BTK


  • Improved damage model from 4-11 to 4-9 BTK


  • Improved damage model from 5-13 to 4-9 BTK with slightly faster dropoff than the LS/26

VGO, MG 42:

  • Improved damage model from 5-13 to 4-10 BTK with reductions made to the damage dropoff.

  • Reduced Vertical Recoil by 25% and Horizontal Recoil by 20%

  • Fixed an issue where the MG42 dealt too much damage when using High Velocity Bullets

Turner SMLE, MAS 44:

  • Improved damage model to 3 BTK within 30 meters as these weapons had an incorrectly low maximum damage

Ag m/42:

  • Increased rate of fire from 300 to 360 rpm

  • This should better balance the Ag m/42 against the MAS44 and Turner SMLE‏‏‎ ‎

You can have a gander at the full list of weapon changes here.

UI Changes:

  • Removed the 5.2 enemy acquisition icons when not looking directly at an enemy player, but who are inside your field of view – See the change here
  • Reduced the range at which you can see an enemy icon if directly aiming at the player is now 20m, down from 25m.
  • Reduced the angle at which we consider that you are looking directly at an enemy player is now 3°, down from 6° – See the change here
  • Improved soldier icon occlusion a to reduce the scenarios where an enemy icon could be visible, without the player being really visible on your screen – See the change here
  • Fixed some issues with smoke grenades not blocking enemy icons consistently – See the change here
  • Reduced the impact of wind on smoke grenades to ensure that the blocking of the icons is more consistent with the shape of the smoke grenade effect.
  • Fixed issues with squad member names not being properly displayed above their head in close range or when in a vehicle.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing stuttering issues during a scenario that involved getting kills with the LVCP vehicle


  • Multiple crash fixes that we hope will improve overall game stability