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Green Hell Arrives On PS5 This August

Green Hell will arrive on PS5 this coming August 14, 2024 developer Creepy Jar has announced.

The title will arrive on current-gen platforms with content previously unavailable to console players. What’s more is that if you already own Green Hell on PS4, you can upgrade to this new version for free.

However, this new version being available means that Creepy Jar will no longer be pushing updates to the last-gen versions of the game.

According to a press release from Creepy Jar, this is due to the last-gen consoles being “unable to shoulder the weight of the newer updates while running at the quality Creepy Jar expects to deliver to players.”

It’s also the reason why crossplay isn’t available between current and previous-gen versions of the game, so PS5 players will be unable to play with PS4 players and vice-versa.

You can check out the new trailer for the current-gen versions release for yourself, below.–EfGlM

Back in April, Creepy Jar proudly announced that Green Hell had surpassed 5 million players, and before June was over it had surpassed 6 million.

At that kind of pace it seems like this current-gen version should help kick it even closer to the next million players.

Source – [Creepy Jar Press Release]