Hideo Kojima Kojima Productions News PlayStation PS5 SISU SISU Film Sony

Hideo Kojima Wants To Make A Game Inspired By The Film SISU

Even if you knew nothing about what Hideo Kojima does when he’s not making games, and only experienced his work through the game’s he’s helped make, it would be clear to even that person how much Kojima loves cinema.

He’s constantly watching movies, and it’s clear that he uses them for inspiration, and just recently he’s been tweeting about a film that could very well be an inspiration for a future project, a film called SISU.

Kojima explains the film’s main plot and it’s easy to see why he, or anyone for that matter would want to make a game, or have there be a game where you’re playing as the film’s protagonist, but if you’ve not heard of the film, here are the main points.

It follows a former one-man killing machine for the Finnish army in the year 1944 who’s turned to gold mining only to find himself in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of gold, and a lot of Germany’s Nazi’s still fighting a losing battle during WWII.

What follows is one, grizzled-old Finnish man cutting his way through plenty of Nazi’s, and according to Kojima some well done action sequences that even surpass the likes of action film classics, Rambo.


Making a game either entirely based on or at least inspired by this film would be tonally different from his previous work, especially compared to Metal Gear Solid, where it was never really Snake’s mission to stick a knife in someone’s head.

Though, with Kojima’s creativity and ability to make excellent games, it’s no doubt that a very SISU looking game from him and the team at Kojima Productions would be worth checking out.

Source – [Hideo Kojima]