Feature PS4 The Hong Kong Massacre VRESKI

The Hong Kong Massacre Tips For Survival – How To Stay Alive Longer

How To Survive Longer In The Hong Kong Massacre

The Hong Kong Massacre is a challenging and brutal game. You die quickly and the overall pace of the game feels like it is turned up to eleven. This can make some of the levels incredibly hard to beat. In order to help you with that, we have some tips on survival in The Hong Kong Massacre.

The Hong Kong Massacre Tips – Slow Mo’ and Dodge

The best tip I can give you to survive in The Hong Kong Massacre is to always be using your dodge and slow motion. The game practically revolves around these two mechanics and it is integral to the moment-to-moment gameplay. As you have probably found, the bullets in the game travel exceptionally fast and are almost impossible to dodge when time is flowing normally. Therefore, you should use your slow motion whenever you are in combat to ensure you have enough time to dodge out of the way of incoming fire.

Similarly, you are gonna want to dodge as much as possible. There is a small cooldown on this. However, it is incredibly useful as you are invulnerable during a dodge and still able to shoot at enemies. Combining these allows you to fully check your surroundings and choose who to focus fire on. On top of that, it also allows you to get a shot off before any of your enemies can.

How To Survive Longer In The Hong Kong Massacre

The Hong Kong Massacre Tips – Find A Weapon You Like

The Hong Kong Massacre offers four different weapons, all of which you can unlock after completing only a handful of levels. They can also be picked up from enemies corpses. Early on I recommend experimenting with these weapons as they all have different properties. You will be drawn to some more than others. The Pistols are a good all-around weapon, the Shotgun is powerful but cumbersome, the SMG shoots fast, and the Rifle is accurate but not effective in close quarters.

Either buy them or pick them off the ground. Whatever, you do test them out and find the one that speaks to you. For example, I particularly enjoyed using the Rifle, and found the shotgun clunky and died a lot when I tried to use it.

How To Survive Longer In The Hong Kong Massacre

The Hong Kong Massacre Tips – Keep As Far Away As You Can

Another big tip is to try and keep as much distance between you and your enemies. The reason for this is quite simple: you have more time before the bullets from their guns will reach you. This gives you not only more thinking time but additional precious moments to dodge out of the way quickly if an unexpected bullet comes flying your way.

How To Survive Longer In The Hong Kong Massacre

The Hong Kong Massacre Tips – Take Your Time And Learn The Levels

The key thing to remember in The Hong Kong Massacre is not to rush through. If you fail a level use it as a learning experience and figure out where you made a mistake and what you can change in your run. These levels can get pretty complex later on so it is worth trying to remember the layouts of rooms, where enemies are and what weapons they are carrying.

I spent more than 40 minutes on some levels and stuck with it. I suggest you do the same, even if you are getting incredibly frustrated. You will beat it and when you do it will feel even more gratifying.

How To Survive Longer In The Hong Kong Massacre

I absolutely loved my time with The Hong Kong Massacre. You can check out my full review here.

The Hong Kong Massacre is available now on PlayStation 4.