Guerrilla Games has lifted the lid on the next batch of downloadable content for Killzone 3 – namely, the Steel Rain pack.
The DLC chucks in two fresh multiplayer maps, apparently inspired by the sci-fi shooter’s single-player campaign. See below for the full details.
Game Type: Guerrilla Warfare (16 players)
The junkyards of Helghan are a wasteland to some, but a valuable resource to others. In the main junk processing facility of Helghan, ISA and Helghast Forces are clashing in an attempt to salvage vehicles and supplies for their war effort. Jetpacks are the key to taking the high ground, but the huge Exoskeletons can quickly turn the tide of the battle on the ground.
Game Type: Warzone (24 Players)
As the Helghast write a new and appalling chapter on humanoid experimentation, beleaguered ISA Forces mount a desperate attack on the notorious Stahl Arms research facility, where they hope to free ISA soldiers who have been taken captive. Stahl’s Helghast forces will stop at nothing to ensure that the ISA attack fails, even if it means exterminating the very prisoners they need for their weapons research.
In addition, Guerrilla’s also unboxed a boatload of screenshots for the DLC, a couple of which can be seen below. Be sure to pop on over to our Killzone 3 gallery for the full batch.