Tsutomu Taniguchi, supervisor on Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania, has acknowledge the renewed “excitement and enthusiasm” among fans of the classic vampire-slaying franchise, which is “really motivating for [konami].”
Speaking with IGN, Taniguchi wouldn’t say what the future holds for the Castlevania series, but did made it clear Konami is aware that fans want more from the series.
We tried to bring back the games that people loved and cherished with the Castlevania Anniversary Collection and the Castlevania Advance Collection, we also brought back Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night for our PlayStation fans and on mobile, and launched Grimoire of Souls on Apple Arcade to celebrate the lore of the franchise. But we know that our fans always want more, and we do too, so this opportunity to have this amazing crossover with Dead Cells was impossible to pass up on.
Of course, we can’t close this article without mentioning the long-running rumor that Konami is looking to bring back the Castlevania franchise at some point, alongside Metal Gear Solid. The company is expected to drop some major announcements prior to E3 in regards to both series‘, so we won’t have long to wait.
[Source – IGN]