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Marvel’s Avengers Will Charge $10 A Battle Pass For Every Hero After Launch, But You Can Avoid Spending Money


Square Enix has announced today in a new blog post that it will be charging $10 for each Marvel’s Avengers hero’s battle pass after the initial pass finishes at launch.

In the blog post, they reveal that the six launch heroes will have the premium track of their Challenge Cards (Battle Pass) unlocked at launch. However, once the next Challenge Card arrives you will need to pay 1,000 Credits to unlock the premium track of each hero. Credits can only be bought with real-world money and $5 is worth 500 Credits. Therefore you will need to spend $10 to unlock just one hero’s Premium Challenge Card track.

And, if you want to unlock everything for each character you will need to spend $10 or 1,000 Credits every time a new Hero arrives. As Square Enix mentions the following:

Hero Challenge Cards do not rotate and won’t be retired, so once you’ve activated premium rewards, there is no time limit or risk in spreading your focus between heroes. That being said, If you‘re in a hurry, you can buy “skips” to get through tiers faster.

That is a lot of information but the short of it is that Hero Challenge Cards for the game won’t be replaced and will stay around. This means that you won’t lose the cosmetic items and you can take as long as you want to unlock them. You will also not have to pay money for Challenge Cards providing you have earned enough credits from previous Challenge Cards to purchase the next one. So, the situation doesn’t seem as drastic as other live-service games, with you able to unlock all the cosmetics available in the Challenge Cards and not having to spend any money as you will earn enough credits from that character’s previous Challenge Card.

Marvel’s Avengers releases for PS4 on September 4, 2020. The game is coming to PS5 later this year.

Source – [Square Enix via PushSquare]