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Mystic Messenger Emails Zen Route

mystic messenger emails zens route

Can’t wait to finally get Zen’s heart? Let us help you with our Mystic Messenger Emails Zen Route guide! Get to know Zen’s character and follow our tips to make him swoon over you. Here we give you the chat schedule for Zen’s route and the times for email opportunities so you can invite him to your parties.

Who is Zen Mystic Messenger?

Zen’s real name is Hyun Ryu. He is only playable in Casual Story in Mystic Messenger. Zen is a tall young man with silver-white long hair and a muscular body. As a popular artist (he can dance, sing and act), he finds great leisure in admiring his self. He’s usually posting selfies and proclaiming how good-looking he is. Zen may seem narcissistic. But he wants people to love him because of his passion and skills, not just for his looks.

Mystic Messenger Emails Zen Route Schedule

If you want to capture Zen’s heart easier, follow the schedule below (Day 5 to Day 11). This gives you email invite opportunities and game branch points. First, you need to schedule your day right. Then, win as many conversations as possible.

Email Opportunity Schedule
Zen route email schedule: Day 514:42 – Email opportunity

16:56 – Email opportunity

18:17 – Email opportunity

23:00 – Email opportunity

Zen route email schedule: Day 603:13 – Email opportunity

10:13 – Email opportunity

14:58 – Email opportunity

16:00 – Email opportunity

17:49 – Email opportunity

Zen route email schedule: Day 711:00 – Email opportunity

18:00 – Email opportunity

19:40 – Email opportunity

VN – Email opportunity

23:40 – Email opportunity

Zen route email schedule: Day 803:15 – Email opportunity

12:51 – Email opportunity

18:53 – Email opportunity

22:00 – Email opportunity

Zen route email schedule: Day 919:52 – Email opportunity

23:10 – Email opportunity

Zen route email schedule: Day 1011:47 – Email opportunity

Mystic Messenger Emails Zen Route Tips

Aside from grabbing every opportunity and providing correct answers to his emails, you can follow our tips below to make Zen fall in love to you:

  1. First, you need to respect Zen’s independence and
  2. Next, boost his confidence by complimenting his looks and talents.
  3. Then be passionate, open and personal. Tell him you miss him and make your endearment “lovely Zen.”
  4. Support his career and continue to encourage him to make peace and be cheerful.
  5. Avoid being controlling and do not tell him what to do.
  6. Don’t favor Jumin and don’t be violent with Jaehee.
  7. Be confident when talking to Zen.
  8. Ultimately, you should not condemn Zen’s narcissistic attitude.

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