The PS4 update 5.50 beta is about to begin and everyone has the chance to participate and see what new features are coming up in the new firmware patch.
The PS4 5.50 system software update will arrive later this year. The fact that it's having a beta phase suggest some big changes are coming. The PlayStation community will be looking forward to some of the features on their wish list, but what exactly will Sony add?
PS4 update 5.50 features wanted
Well, there's four major features that we'd definitely want to see, and we understand that at least three of these can't be too hard to implement, especially after we saw some great new features in PS4 update 5.0.
PlayStation Store Wish List
You browse through the hundreds of games on the PlayStation Store right now. You see a few things that you like, buy one and start playing. A few weeks later, you log back onto the PSN and check out the PS Store again, but can't quite remember the name of one of those games that you were interested in a few weeks before.
Simple: give players the opportunity to create their own wish list. Let us tick off the PS4 games that we're interested in and provide a new tab so we can access this list whenever we want. Not only would it be a great feature for gamers, but surely it would also be beneficial to PlayStation as it may increase spending.
PSN Name Change
PlayStation gamers would love to be able to change their PSN ID in PS4 update 5.50. Since the dawn of time, players like ‘bettyswallocks' and ‘noob12345' have yearned to be able to change their online name. To something cooler now that their older and more mature. Sony should set it so we can only change our PSN username once a year. That way we can reaffirm our online identities!
Gifting Games
Wouldn't it be nice to gift games to friends and families? No longer would you have to present your loved ones with a PSN gift card so they can scratch off a code and redeem it. Instead, you could simply select a game from the PlayStation Store, click on ‘Gift', and choose any PSN ID. Then, a lovely message pops up in your friend's inbox telling them that they've been gifted a game. They then click on the link, and bang, it's downloaded into their games library.
Make SharePlay longer
Currently, you can SharePlay with your friends for a maximum of 60 minutes, but it's not long enough. There's nothing more frustrating than reaching an end of level boss, knowing that you have 30 seconds left to beat him before you're booted out. Restarting the SharePlay session takes too long. We understand that Sony don't want other people lending your games while you're at work for the day. However, extending the session to two hours would be a great feature for PS4 update 5.50. While they're at it, it would be nice if there were more SharePlay compatible games!
PS4 Trophies sorting alphabetically
We do like the secret PS4 update that was added previously, which allows you to search online for a guide for a certain trophy. However, we'd much prefer the ability to properly sort the trophy list in PS4 update 5.50. There's already some decent sorting abilities, such as by grade or date earned. But, how hard can it be to add the ability to sort trophies alphabetically? You can do this on PS Vita!
What features would you like to see in PS4 update 5.0? Let us know in the comments.