
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 5 Collectables Guide

Resident Evil 4 Remake is the latest instalment of the long-running franchise to receive a brand new remake. Much like its previous instalments Resident Evil 4 Remake features a plethora of collectables and secrets to find. In our Resident Evil 4 Remake Collectables Guide, we go over where to find all 16 Clockwork Castellans, 104 Treasures and 19 Merchant Requests, including all Bule Madalion locations.

Chapter 5 features four treasures, one Merchant Request, and one Castellan. Here are their locations in the order in which they can be found.

Treasure: Yellow Diamond

As you start the chapter, turn around and look for the silver container hanging on the ceiling. It’s in the room where Ashely was being held.

Merchant Request: A Savage Mutt

As you head back to the village, you’ll find this notice on the left side of the wall opposite the Merchant. You won’t be able to complete this request until after you head back into the Village Chiif’s house and retrieve the next couple of collectables, so you should encounter the Mutti in the village if you follow this guide.

Treasure 2: Elegant Bangel

When you return to the village, you’ll find the locked house on the northwestern. Look for an opening in the wall. You’ll need to boost Ashely up, and she will unlock the door and find the Elegant Bangel in a chest.

Castellan 5

Head back to the Village Chief’s manor and head to the second floor. A switch in the room unlocks a path to the attic which you can’t reach without Ashely. After boosting her up, she lowers the ladder to reach the attic. Look for the Castellan on a shelf behind one of the yellow breakable crate.

Treasure 3: Antique Camera

The camera is in the same attic opposite the Castellan. Crawl under a wooden beam and find the Antique Camera on the desk

Treasure 4: Antique Pipe

As you make your way back through the farm north of the village. Look for the Wayshrine on the northeast of the farm. Use the Wayshrine Key to acquire the Antique Pipe.

These collectables are available in chapter 5 of Resident Evil 4 Remake. There are 16 chapters to get through, each feature collectables to find. For more collectables, check out our other chapter guides to find everything hidden in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

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