Skull & Bones has finally been re-revealed by Ubisoft, and we finally have a release date for November 8, 2022.
After hearing nothing but rumours for so long, it feels great to finally have something official to talk about instead. Skull & Bones will see players start from a pirate, shipwrecked on a shore, all the way to a powerful pirate kingpin.
You can sail the seas with up to two other friends online, and even test your mettle against your enemies in PvP mode.
The gameplay showed off how even your crew having a mutiny against you, isn’t the end. And you can always build your infamy and reputation back up.
It also showed how you can take your own approach to battle at sea, customizing your ship and its weapons how you like.
You can check out the gameplay reveal trailer for Skull & Bones for yourself, here:
Now that Skull & Bones has been revealed, and we have a release date, hopefully 2022 will be the end of this game’s long development saga, and we’ll finally see it launch this holiday season.
Source – [Ubisoft]