Craig Mazin, the show runner behind The Last of Us HBO, has revealed that the first episode of the series’ second season was written prior to the WGA strike.
Speaking with Deadline, Mazin had the following to say on the status of the show’s second season:
We got pretty far actually, we were doing great. Neil and I had been sitting and talking with Halley Gross, who also worked on the second game as a writer, and Bo Shim, the new writer that was in our little tiny room with us.
We know what the whole season is, and I was actually able to get a write and submit the first episode right before the deadline hit. So now I’m just walking around kind of brain-writing, I guess, which I don’t think is scabbing. I take walks and I think through the scenes because when the bell rings and this is over because the companies have finally come to their senses, I’m going to have to basically shoot myself out of a cannon because we really want to try and get this show on the air when it’s supposed to be on the air.
Mazin also told Deadline that the plan is to produce a third season of The Last of Us, as the events of The Last of Us: Part II won’t be told in just a single season.
[Source – Deadline]