Feature Guide PS4 Vampyr

Vampyr Trinkets and More – Whitechapel Citizen Quest Guide

Vampyr albert palmer

Once you've unlocked the Vampyr Trinkets And More side quest in Whitechapel, one of the game's numerous citizen quests, you'll first need to retrieve Barrett Lewis' box. In the following guide we'll show you the steps required to complete the quest.

If you’re looking for more guides, check out the Burn After Reading quest and the Vampyr Wrong Target Investigation, or visit our Vampyr skills guide to get prepared for battle.

Vampyr Trinkets And More

Like all side missions in Vampyr, check your map and head to area marked with the white head, which is approximately 45 metres away from where you picked up the quest. You can head there down the side alley around the back of the house, but follow these Vampyr tips to defeat the level 10, 11 and 12 enemies that you'll encounter along the way.

Head into the warehouse and defeat the beast (level 10)! You need to head upstairs. You can warp up to the wooden floorboards. As soon as you do, look up again and you'll see another warp point. Here you'll find Barret Lewis' box, which has a letter inside.

The letter reads:

There is no easy way to say it, so I'm going to be blunt, we can't keep on like this. At least I can't keep on like this. If Joe ever find out about us, about his wife and his best friend it will crush him. And then he will kill you. We had some good times together, but let's face it. I'm never going to be your Jane Lewis. You know it, and I know it too. So, I'm ending this, right here and right now. If you agree with my decision, I'm sure we'll find a way to be happy again, Joe, and me in time. And then the most important part of our story will have been preserved. Until that day, I wish you'd forgive me. Goodbye for now.

Jane Peterson.

Now, what will you do with you it? You can give it to Barret Lewis, who the letter is addressed to, or give it to Joe Peterson, whose wife wrote it!

So, that’s it for our Vampyr Trinkets And More guide. We're not going to spoil what happens, so it's up to you to make your choice!