Watch Dogs 2’s game director has revealed that the upcoming action-adventure sequel will boast a game map roughly double the size of the original game.
Speaking during an interview with GamingBolt, Danny Belanger confirmed that the sequel will also take on a more lighthearted tone in comparison to the darker approach that defined its predecessor.
“[The map in Watch Dogs 2 will be] roughly twice as big,” he said. “Watch Dogs one was a darker story and Aiden was a lone wolf. In Watch Dogs 2 it’s a colorful story and Markus all the way is very charismatic, but he’s also sociable.
“He’s part of a group called DedSec where you have your buddies with you and you’re doing operations and you use a lot of the culture, the fun. So they’re doing it with purpose because they’re hacktivist, but they’re having a lot of fun at the same time doing it."
Watch Dogs 2 is due out on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One on November 15, 2016. The sequel takes place in the San Francisco Bay area, and introduces a new protagonist in the shape of DedSec member, Marcus Holloway.
In addition to the single-player campaign, Watch Dogs 2 will also offer a full-fledged multiplayer component, allowing gamers to engage in co-op or competitive-based gameplay. The asymmetric hack invasion from Watch Dogs also returns.