Cosmonaut Studios Eternal Threads Eternal Threads PS4 Eternal Threads PS5 review Review

Eternal Threads Review (PS5) – A Fun Time Traveling Character Study

Eternal Threads PS5 Review—Eternal Threads is a unique title that feels more like an interactive movie than an actual video game. Cosmunout Studios has crafted a special title that delves into the lives of six people who are the focal point of the destruction of the timeline. There is only one problem: they are all dead, and you must figure out why.

Eternal Threads PS5 Review

A Story Worthy Of Time Travel

The story of Eternal Threads takes place in a single home where six friends spend their lives trying to get through the days. Their personality is all different, and each one shines in their role. Ben, the doctor, is a calm guy who is always looking out for his friends, while Tom is the guy with the crazy ex-girlfriend, and everyone tries to keep him away from. He’s also the super and the fixer of the home.

The relationship between all the characters is the highlight of the game. With the fantastic writing and great acting, I honestly cared about all the characters here, even those who made decisions I disagreed with.

Eternal Threads spreads a web that can become hard to follow. In most conversations, you have to decide how to respond. You can stick to how events unfolded that led to each person’s death, or you can decide on another option. Depending on your decisions, new paths unlock, and new events can be experienced.

Plenty Of Scenes To Dig Through To Solve A Mystery

It’s not always the best decision to change the outcome of events, but it is essential to find the proper balance to help everyone survive. There are over 170 scenes to experience, and not all of them play a role in a character’s survival, but they can add plenty of context to their personalities and relationships. Some will even leave clues of where to find keys to locked rooms or combinations to locks and safes.

The timeline is yours to control and experience how you want. If you want to start at the end of the story and work your way backward, you can, though I don’t recommend it.

As much as I enjoyed the character progression, the story doesn’t take off. By the time I got to the last few scenes, what happened in the house had become evident, and its ending leaves a lot to be desired, mainly because the game’s best ending leaves off on a cliffhanger with more questions than answers.

The Definition Of A Walking Simulator

It’s hard to classify Eternal Threads as a game but more of an interactive experience. As a time traveler, you go from room to room, activating scenes that took place there at a particular time. You can interact with objects like letters and open drawers, but that’s the extent of your interaction. The only things you genuinely collect are keys to open locked doors.

It’s not a big issue, but constantly going from room to room with a plethora of backtracking can get annoying. I would have preferred just having your character move to the specific location when you select the scene from the timeline.

Visually, the game lacks detail. The home everyone resides in looks like the Baker family residence from Resident Evil VII without all the nasty bits. It’s bit barren, and everyone’s rooms have the bare minimum of furniture and belongings. Textures are also muddy, and the character models are merely passable.

Fantastic Voice Work Brings Each Character To Life

The sound design, on the other hand, is exceptional. The voice work is surprisingly good for a small indy title and gets better the further you get into the mystery. There isn’t much in the way of a soundtrack outside of a few tracks, which isn’t so bad but not very memorable.

I wish I could say more about Eternal Threads, but there isn’t much of an actual game here. I thoroughly enjoyed what I experienced, but it’s an experience that you most likely won’t ever return to once you finish it. If you’re looking for something different with excellent writing and character development, Eternal Threads is the game for you.

Eternal Threads is now available on PS5 and PS4.

Review code kindly provided by PR



The Final Word

Eternal Threads presents a unique story with some of the best writing and character development I've experienced this year. Though it's a short and simple experience, I found myself glued to the screen to see what happens next. There isn't much else for you to do in Eternal Threads, making it the definition of a walking simulator, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.