Adult Swim Games Battle Chef Brigade PlayStation Trophy PS4 News

Battle Chef Brigade is Headed to PS4 Soon

The hit brawler/puzzler hybrid Battle Chef Brigade is set to land on PS4 quite soon as a trophy listing for the game popped up for it recently.

The trophy list (on Exophase) features 14 trophies (11 Bronze, 2 Silver, 1 Gold).

The Adult Swim-published title comes from Chicago-based studio Trinket Games, and it’s gained a rather favorable reception on PC and Nintendo Switch.

Battle Chef Brigade sees you pay as Fantasy-themed chefs (think Elves, Orcs, etc) in a cooking tournament that provides the player side-scrolling brawler action and in match three style puzzle sections. All this is done with a culinary backdrop.

You can get a taste of the action in the trailer below.

With the trophy list now out in the wild, expect to see an announcement for the game sometime soon.