Coinciding with the Dead by Daylight Update 2.20 for PC, the new killer has been revealed. Due to land in a future update, The Spirit was unmasked via the trailer below.
At the moment, we don’t know all the details, but we do know that she will be difficult to master due to hard rating. She can also move very quickly while tracking scratch marks, and also wields the Yamoka’s Haunting power. This ability will see her leave her physical body.
Dead By Daylight New Killer – The Spirit Perks
She also has the following perks:
Spirit Fury: After breaking 4 pallets, the next pallet that stuns you will break instantly
Hex: Haunted Ground:Two trapped totems spawn in the Trial. If one of them gets cleansed, every survivor suffers from the Exposed effect for 40 seconds
Rancor:You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time a generator is completed, the obsession sees your aura for 3 seconds and all survivors’ auras are revealed to your for 3 seconds. Once all generators are completed, the obsession has the Exposed status effect and the killer can kill the obsession.
Alongside the arrival of the Dead By Daylight New Killer, The Spirit will be joined with a new survivor called Adam Francis. He has the following perks:
- Diversion
- Deliverance
- Autodidact
Meanwhile, check out the Dead By Daylight Patch notes for the 2.20 update.
FEATURES & CONTENT for Dead By Daylight Update 2.20
- Content – Added the Exploit option for player reporting in the Tally.
- Feature – Added a direct link to the Customer Support Help Desk in the Help & Tutorial page, as well as on the tally screen. Help Desk can be used to open a ticket with the Customer Support team. This is the place to go if you want to report an issue you have encountered in-game.
- Feature – Added a new score event: Safe Hook Rescue. The scoring event triggers after a Survivor has been unhooked and not downed for 10 seconds. The Survivor that performed the hook rescue gains the points. This score event helps clarify if / when a safe hook rescue has occurred (for the purposes of Emblem: Benevolent, and new perk, Deliverance).
- Feature – Added a new status effect for Survivors: Broken. Survivors afflicted with the Broken status effect may not be healed past the injured health state for the duration (similar to the No Mither effect). This status is shown to other players on the character portraits in the HUD. The Broken status effect is applied to Survivors when they successfully use Deliverance to unhook themselves.
- Added a score event for healing yourself or others with an insta-heal medkit add-ons
- The score event points for a Safe Hook Rescue (for the Survivor that performed the action) is 500
- The score event points for unhooking a Survivor after the generators are complete have been reduced from 1875 to 1500
- The score event points for unhooking a Survivor before the generators are complete have been reduced from 1500 to 1000
- Players who are being unhooked, or are freeing themselves from the hook, will not take damage from killer attacks if they are hit before they regain control of their character
- The animation for freeing oneself from the hook has been reduced from 2.4 to 1.2 seconds
- The unhook animation can be cancelled if the survivor moves away before completing the charge interaction
- Adjusted the animation for a survivor throwing down a pallet while stationary (the pallet will be dropped more quickly)
Various buildings were adjusted to minimize the effect of long-chase windows on main building tiles
- Added some additional lockers and blockers to some main building tiles in various maps.
- Coal Tower: Adjusted the debris setups around the Coal Tower. Disassociated the pallet loops from the window loops.
- Disturbed Ward: Improved navigation inside the Asylum by moving debris out from the center of the hallways.
- Fractured Cowshed: Removed the possibility of the long-chase window to spawn. Improved the safety of the short window close to the basement. Modified the outside debris near the basement to remove a dead-end. Adjusted totem placement.
- Gas Heaven: The front door is now always open.
- Grim Pantry: Adjusted the window spawning logic on the top floor.
- Groaning Storehouse: Made it impossible for one of the two long-chase windows to spawn. Increase the length of one of the long-chase window and short window loop.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Adjusted the spawning logic for windows and pallets.
- Rancid Abatoir: Changed the configuration of the guide fences when the long-chase window spawns to force players to take a longer route around the loop. Adjusted placement of two lockers.
- Torment Creek: Removed the possibility for two pallets to spawn in the front of the silo. Blocked dead-end when the long-chase window doesn’t spawn. Only one pallet will now spawn if the long-chase window spawns. Adjusted totem placement.
- Wretched Shop: Removed the possibility for the two long-chase windows to spawn. Removed the dead-end near the former long-chase windows. Increased the length for existing short window loops. Moved pallets from the front of the building to the back. Adjusted hook and totem placement.
- Bloodlust 2 speed bonus reduced from +0.6m/s to +0.4 m/s
- Bloodlust 3 speed bonus reduced from +1.2m/s to +0.6 m/s*
- Hover over each Emblem to see the activities and actions that contributed (both positively and negatively) toward your final Emblem result.
- Scoring criteria and Emblem results breakdown have been added to the post-match Emblem screen.
- The values represent the percentage of points you gained towards reaching the Iridescent Emblem threshold (100%), however, it is possible to receive an Emblem result with an overall percentage greater than 100%.
- This Emblem results breakdown is intended to give more clarity and transparency to the resulting outcome, and reduce the confusion and frustration that some players feel when they receive unexpected results.
- After successfully uncloaking, the wraith gains a burst of speed for 1 second, similar to the effect from the Windstorm add-ons. These add-ons have been redesigned.
- Movement speed while uncloaking has been adjusted.
- The uncloak exit animation, which lasts 0.3 seconds after finishing uncloaking, can now be cancelled by attacking or interacting with objects.
- Time required to burn the Wraith out of cloak with a flashlight increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds. The Blind Warrior add-ons, which previously granted further light burn protection, have been redesigned.
Revisited all of the Wraith’s add-ons
- “All Seeing” – Blood: Survivor aura reading range increased from 10m to 12m.
- “All Seeing” – Mud: Replaced with new add-on “The Beast” – Soot. Changed rarity from Uncommon to Common. The Wraith’s terror radius no longer suppressed while cloaked, and bloodpoints granted for Stalker and Surprise Attack are increased by 100%.
- “All Seeing” – Spirit: Redesigned. While cloaked, the repair progress of generators can be determined by the intensity of their auras.
- “All Seeing” – White: Replaced with new add-on “The Serpent” – Soot. Changed rarity from Rare to Common. The Wraith will uncloak completely when breaking pallets or damaging generators while cloaked.
- “Blind Warrior” – Blood: Replaced with new add-on “Shadow Dance” – White. Changed rarity from Very Rare to Rare. Reduces the time required to vault windows, break pallets or damage generators while cloaked.
- “Blind Warrior” – Mud: Redesigned. Surprise attacks inflict survivors with aura blindness for 60 seconds.
- “Blind Warrior” – Soot: replaced with “The Hound” – Soot. Fresh blood marks are considerable more discernible than normal.
- “Blind Warrior” – Spirit: Replaced with new add-on “Shadow Dance” – Blood. Changed rarity from Ultra Rare to Very Rare. Reduces the time required to vault windows, break pallets or damage generators while cloaked.
- “Blind Warrior” – White: Redesigned. Surprise attacks inflict survivors with mangled and hemorrhage until healed.
- “Blink” add-ons have had their values and rarities adjusted.
- “Swift Hunt” add-ons have had their values and rarities adjusted.
- “The Ghost” – White: Redesigned and renamed “The Ghost” – Soot. Changed rarity from Rare to Common. The Wraith’s terror radius will remains suppressed for 6 seconds after uncloaking.
- “Windstorm” add-ons now increase the Wraith’s movement speed while cloaked and decrease the Wraith’s movement speed while uncloaking.
- Bone Clapper: Changed rarity from Common to Uncommon. Survivors can no longer discern the Wailing Bell’s distance or direction.
- Coxcombed Clapper: Changed rarity from Uncommon to Ultra Rare. Renders the Wailing Bell completely silent.
- Readjusted The Nurse interruption animations
- Adjusted the audio of the hag’s phantasm traps being triggered from the Killer perspective
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong material audio when running or walking beneath a hole in the main building of the Grim Pantry map
- Minor localization improvements
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivor to be able to burn the Wraith out of invisibility through walls
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Clown to throw bottles through walls when the camera was against the wall
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be offset when being hooked by the Nightmare
- Fixed an issue that caused the Obsession not to have the dream state VFX on their icon in the HUD when the Nightmare used the Black Box add-on
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pig not to be able to hit Survivors with her Ambush attack if they were crouched on stairs
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pig’s Bag or Gears and Crate of Gears add-ons not to debuff the Survivor accordingly
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper to be unable to set bear traps for the rest of the match after picking up a bear trap while it’s getting set with the Iridescent Stone add-on
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Hillbilly’s chainsaw to miss the hit detection
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Survivor to become stuck in place when the Killer fell on top of them
- Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to interrupt Survivors’ window vault through a specific asset in the slaughterhouse of the Rancid Abbatoir map
- Fixed an issue that caused an LOD issue on the exit gates in all maps
- Fixed an issue that caused an LOD issue on the hooks in the Autohaven Wrecker’s maps
- Fixed an issue that caused an inaccessible Jigsaw box or chest in the Coldwind Farm maps
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on one of the planks in the Silo building in the Torment Creek map
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the stairs inside the foundry building in the Ironworks of Misery map
- Fixed an issue that caused characters to clip through the asset when vaulting over the window on the combine harvester asset in Coldwind Farm maps
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s bear traps to sink into the ground on certain areas of the ferry boat in the Pale Rose map
- Fixed an issue that could cause a bush or trash pile to spawn too close to a generator, preventing repairs in the Lampkin Lane map
- Fixed an issue that could cause the ground textures to flicker when seen from another tile in the Mother’s Dwelling map
- Fixed an issue that could cause the hatch to spawn inside of a tree in the Mother’s Dwelling map
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes make it impossible to repair a generator on one side in the Autohaven Wrecker’s maps
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to propel themselves to unreachable areas when combining the speed boost when hit with Dead Hard over a hole
- Fixed an issue that caused the Overcharge skill check to explode on the player if the player let go of the repair action and failed the skill check
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Survivors from escaping the Killer when succeeding the Decisive Strike skill check while the Killer lung attack towards the ground
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use Unbreakable if the player was recovering when Adrenaline triggered
- Fixed an issue that made it possible to use Sprint Burst while hiding in a locker
- Fixed an issue that prevented Monitor & Abuse from playing certain Killer proximity layers
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from healing another Survivor in the Borrowed Time state if they had No Mither equipped
- Fixed an issue that that caused Decisive Strike to get used when succeeding the skill check while dropped or hooked. Now the skill check should re-appear if succeeded
Fixed an issue that caused the category score* event meter to appear full at 5000 Bloodpoints instead of 8000
- Fixed an issue that caused all female Survivors to have their eyes closed during the Nightmare’s mori
- Fixed an issue that caused the Emergency Medkit item not to give 25% healing efficiency
- Fixed an issue that caused the Loadout menu to be inaccessible when leaving a Kill Your Friends lobby as a spectator
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ranger Medkit not to modify the skill check difficulty and bonus zones
- Fixed an issue that caused the Tarnished Coin not to be present in Kill Your Friends
- Fixed an issue that caused the improper text and missing icon when prestiging Nea to Prestige level II
- Fixed an issue that could allow Survivors to fully heal themselves at the same moment as getting hit, or hit with a double damage weapon
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to farm Sabotage points with a bear trap
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Hag to become stuck in a pallet if teleporting to a triggered trap while a pallet was being dropped
- Fixed an issue where 4 of Jake’s Grey Performance Top variations were missing gloves
- Fixed an issue where The Wraith’s blade wipe animation was misaligned with the weapons from the Grim Tidings collection
- Fixed an issue where the Doctor’s Overcharge customization items and the Cannibal’s face collection was missing from the players inventory when purchasing the character in-store instead of through DLC
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause clients to be unable to move once they have loaded into a match. This is a fix in addition to the ones pushed live with patch 2.0.1a and 2.1.0.
- Updated the intro video
- Various cosmetic clipping/camera adjustments and improvements
Fixed an issue that caused the game to hang when the player lost connection during the transition to a lobby
Fixed an issue that caused no confirmation prompt when pressing ALT + F4 on the Credits
Fixed an issue that caused an infinite loading when attempting to joina Kill Your Friends lobby without being friends with the host. Players should now get a user friendly message.
There’s currently no firm release date for the arrival of the Dead by Daylight new killer – The Spirit.