We reported at the start of this month that the Deathloop PS5 file size clocks in at just 17.3GB, but it’s now emerged that this is actually a result of the console’s impressive kraken compression technology at work.
According to PlayStation Game Size, Deathloop initially weighed in at 25.9GB for version 01.000.000; however, a second database listing for 01.001.000 has the game clocking in at 17.3GB. In other words, this update looks set to reduce the sizes of Arkane Lyon’s by an impressive 8.6.GB.
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Bethesda will publish Deathloop on September 14, 2021 for PS5 and PC, and Arkane has previously heaped praise on Sony for its inclusion of an SSD in the PS5, describing it as a ‘blessing.’ Be sure to have a gander at our preview round-up to see how the game is shaping up.