Detroit Become Human Feature Guide PS4

Detroit Become Human Broken Flowchart – 100% Guide

games like detroit become human

In the following guide we’ll show you the Detroit Become Human Broken flowchart. In this walkthrough, we’ll guide you towards 100% completion, unlocking all paths in this chapter.

There are major spoilers, so please turn away now if you don’t want to know what happens. Alternatively, if you’re looking for tips to complete Broken in Detroit Become Human, check out the following video.

Detroit Become Human Broken Flowchart

Detroit Become Human Broken Guide

Prepare Carl’s Evening

  • Wheel Carl to the dining room.
  • Serve him some Scotch. Pour whiskey
  • Call the Police.

For 100% completion of the Detroit Become Human Broken chapter, you’ll need to play it twice and complete:

Option 1: Wheel Carl into the Artist’s room

Option 2: Walk in there ahead of him.

Make Leo Leave

Dialogue option: Reason/Order/Advise/Warn (appears to have no effect on outcome)

You’ll now have two choices. You’ll need to complete both to get 100% on this chapter.

Outcome 1: Push Leo – Leo dies but Police mistook Markus for the aggressor

Outcome 2: Endure – Carl’s dies of a heart attack and Leo accuses Markus of the crime.

For more help, check out the following guides: