Check out the Detroit Become Human Painter flowchart to discover how to complete this chapter 100%. Then check out the walkthrough below to find out which actions you need to take.
In the following Painter guide for Detroit Become Human, you’ll find spoilers. So turn away now if you don’t want to know what happens. In the following video, you’ll see how how to unlock all paths.
Detroit Become Human Painter Flowchart
Retrieve order 847 at Bellini Paints
- Put package down by mirror.
- Check out bird cage in hall.
- Go through the door past the bird cage into the dining room.
- Read Century book on table and Detroit today.
- Head through that room into the kitchen and take the tray.
- Take tray in dining room and place it on table.
- Head through the doors past the piano.
- Press clean on table to the left, and jars with paint brushes.
- Head over to the far table and clean the rolls of paper on the floor.
- Clean paint pots in NE corner.
- Gi upstairs into bedroom and wake Carl up by drawing curtains.
- Take medicine from next to the bed.
- Follow the prompts to give Karl medicine.
- Take him to the bathroom and put him in his wheelchair.
- Wheel Karl down to breakfast using the lift at top of stair.
- Lift the klosh on his breakfast and pour his drinks.
Find Something To Do
There are three options for 100% completion, which you can see in the Painter flowchart for Detroit Become Human, so you'll have to come back and replay the level.
- Read book on bookshelves (Shakespeare/The Republic by Plato or Odes by John Keats). Other two options are to Play Chess or Play Piano. The choices you make with these options don’t matter.
- Wheel Carl to the Studio > Remove the Sheet
- What's your verdict > LIKE
- Start painting - Paint Carl's painting, paint statue or paint desk (decision doesn't matter)
- Paint something else > Close your eyes > Choose Androids/Humans/Identity. To unlock all paths, you'll need to revisit to complete the other two options.
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