Detroit Become Human Feature Guide PS4

Detroit Become Human From The Dead Flowchart – 100% Guide

detroit become human time to decide flowchart

Take a look at the Detroit Become Human From The Dead Flowchart. This video will show you every path unlocked so you can complete this chapter 100%.

The following Detroit Become Human guide contains spoilers as we walkthrough how to get 100% completion and unlock every path. If you haven’t done so already, you can check out the flowcharts from previous chapters, including Broken, Painter and A New Home.

Detroit Become Human From The Dead Flowchart

Detroit Become Human From The Dead Guide

Reboot. Diagnose. Analyse for four clues.

Replace Legs

  • Follow the prompts > Analyse legs > Sit up
  • Follow the prompts to find your legs and stand up.

Escape The Junkyard

  1. Go through the passage of limbs into the junkyard.
  2. Search the sidewall of Androids on the left when you enter the junkyard to send them crashing to the floor.
  3. Examine Androids on ground. Find pump regulator and kill Android for it.
  4. Hang around the initial area by the Android with a pump regulator and an Android will beg you to end it, just to the left of the barrels. End it. Kill it.
  5. Keep searching Androids to find the audio processor. Climb up the pile of Android parts.
  6. Play chapter again and spare life of the Android that begs to be killed. Don't kill an Android for the pump regulator. Instead, search the dead body by the pile of Android parts that you need to climb near the end of the chapter.

For more on Detroit Become Human, check out the following features: