It’s safe to say that there’s been a steady deluge of PS5 news seeping out following Wired’s exclusive first-look with system architect Mark Cerny back in April and it’s not a secret that development kits are now in hands of many developers the world over.
Though we’re not likely to see any formal disclosure of hardware specifications or the like just yet – instead having to rely on unsubstantiated reports and leaks – we’re starting to see some off the cuff remarks of what developers think of PS5’s potential.
Speaking in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu, Capcom’s Jun Takeuchi and Bandai Namco’s Katsuhiro Harada were both asked about the new generation and inherent upgrade and added capability it will bring. Answering in broad strokes and in reference to what’s already been spoken about by Cerny himself, Takeuchi-san was buoyant about the inclusion of an SSD and what that could mean for player usability and game development.
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Additionally the raw power of the system would serve to improve console-based virtual reality experiences and that is something Takeuchi-san seems intrigued by in light of Resident Evil 7’s success.
After all, Capcom’s proprietary ‘RE Engine’ is custom-suited for VR gaming and we’ve already been made aware that the engine’s transition to the next generation is well underway. Resident Evil 7’s status as a console-exclusive flagship VR title on PS4 was mutually beneficial to both Sony and Capcom so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility we see something similar in the future – especially if Microsoft doesn’t reveal any sort of VR compatibility for its newest system. Resident Evil 8 in VR, anyone?
While Harada-san was equally impressed by possibilities of data transference via SSD, he also leveled interest at ray tracing’s ability to reduce workload by generating baked data. Moreover, the inclusion of 3D audio is a game-changer insofar as it could potentially be used to create more intuitive design that would benefit people with visual deficiencies.
All told, it’s refreshing to see both Harada and Takeuchi-san specifically mention the ideas of developmental efficiency, inclusion by way of 3D audio and its potential, as well as an increased focus on virtual reality, as opposed to just solely remarking on horsepower and GPU grunt.
Hopefully all of this means bigger and better experiences for everyone concerned.
Source: Famitsu via Twinfinite.