Luminous Productions first game, Forspoken will take approximately 30-40 hours, that is according to its co-director, Takeshi Terada, who gave the estimate while speaking to 3DJuegos.
That’s just to get through the main campaign, mind you, and Terada did also mention there will be plenty of reasons to return to Athia after you’ve seen the story through to its end.
Of course, Terada’s estimate won’t be true for all players, but it does at least sound like there will be a lot to keep you occupied throughout your time in Forspoken, to stretch out to 40 hours.
It’ll be interesting to see though how much of that time is simply spent on traversal, rather than actually playing through the different missions in the campaign.
Forspoken has been delayed a few times now, with the most recent having been announced in July, pushing it all the way into 2023.
Despite the fact that we’ve still got a long time to wait for its release, Square Enix continues to show off more of the game, with recent showings at Gamescom 2022 and a post on the PlayStation Blog.
Hopefully when we finally do get a chance to play it, the magical gameplay and combat lives up to the visuals we’ve grown accustomed to.
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