Russian blogger Anton Logvinov has claimed that a Horizon Zero Dawn PC release is on the cards for February 2020. While this is obviously just a rumor at the moment, it’s worth remembering that Logvinov has come up trumps before by outing Death Stranding for the PC before it was announced by Kojima Productions.
Horizon Zero Dawn PC Rumor
Here’s what Logvinov had to say:
To everyone who was moaning when at the beginning of the year I said that Death Stranding will come to PC – I suggest taking chill pills and screaming that I’m crazy like you did at the beginning of the year. Because Horizon Zero Dawn will be available on PC on February next year. Hopefully you guys are alive, the announcement will be soon.
I’m talking to different developers who are making something for the PlayStation 5, and they said to me that Sony warns them “keep the PC version in mind.”
Horizon Zero Dawn was released for the PS4 back in February 2017, and is Guerrilla Games’ first new IP since it released Killzone back in 2005. If you haven’t picked it up yet 1) what’s wrong with you? and 2) you can grab it on the cheap via Sony’s PlayStation Hits range.
Rumors have already started circulating that developer Guerrilla Games is working on Horizon Zero Dawn 2 for the PlayStation 5. That’s hardly surprising, as the original game sold over 10 million copies by February 2019; Sony was hardly going to let the IP retire and mow the lawn, right?
Read our review of Horizon Zero Dawn here.
Here’s the official blurb for those who haven’t played the game:
In a lush, post-apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization, pockets of humanity live on in primitive hunter-gatherer tribes. Their dominion over the new wilderness has been usurped by the Machines – fearsome mechanical creatures of unknown origin.