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Mortal Kombat 1’s Omni-Man Release Date Has Been Confirmed Thanks To The Xbox Store

A lot of things have come from the Xbox side of the aisle today. Mainly a slew of trailers and updates on games also coming to PS5 thanks to its partner showcase, but not to be left out was Mortal Kombat 1.

Thanks to the Xbox Game Store, we now know when to expect Omni-Man to enter the roster of fighters, and he’ll arrive on November 6, 2023.

That is, if you’ve purchased the Kombat Pack, as this is technically the “early access” release. Not early access in the sense that NetherRealm will still be working on the character, more like you just get it before others for paying more.

It was already known that we’d be getting Omni-Man first in November, though no specific release date was provided from NetherRealm. In this case, Xbox provided it for them.

If you’re especially keen for Omni-Man to enter the fray and potentially shake things up in the online scene, or are just excited to see him all Mortal Kombat’d up, you can hold yourself over by checking out this “first look” trailer below.

Source – [IGN]