In Ni no Kuni 2 there are some tough side quests that give you no direction at all. One of those is looking for three Ni no Kuni 2 SocktoPuses. Follow this walkthrough and you'll find them in no time.
Where to find the SocktoPuses Quest?
You'll find the side quest ‘Best Seafood in Town' in Hydropolis. Head to Nautes Harbor and talk to the NPC at the food stand who will request you find him three of these creatures. This is quest number 58, and will be unlocked near the start of Chapter 6.
Where do you find SocktoPuses?
You can get them as a drop from the Fresh Fish Market, but the best way to get them is to catch them! Head to the island of Cwsg-y-Draig, and right to the North at the Cradle of Light. You'll discover Socktopuses on the North side of the island in the ocean.
What's the reward for finding SocktoPuses?
For completing this side-quest, you'll get 730G, 1890 Exp and A Seafood Odyssey.