Impressions NieR: Automata PS5 PS5 Pro Stellar Blade Stellar Blade Nier Automata DLC

Stellar Blade Nier: Automata DLC Impressions – This Is How You Do A Franchise Crossover

stellar blade nier automata dlc impressions

It’s a crossover that has long been written in the stars. With both Nier: Automata and Stellar Blade starring striking protagonists with some fairly fan-service laden designs, together with a real penchant for action RPG gameplay and satisfying third-person combat, it’s a wonder that this collaboration hasn’t happened sooner.

Almost squarely targeted at Nier: Automata players and fans that would have likely gravitated to Stellar Blade on account of no new core Nier title since Automata launched all the way back in 2017, this latest dollop of DLC for Stellar Blade gives players the opportunity to nab no less than four Nier: Automata crossover costumes for Eve to wear. Actually doing this however, is by no means a straightforward task since players have to locate fifteen new Stellar Tears (introduced in the most recent patch for Stellar Blade) which can then be exchanged for the costumes in question.

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Once you’ve spent time traipsing around and have managed to track down all fifteen Stellar Tears and have located Nier: Automata‘s Emil who acts as the vendor for these new costumes (and must be shot first in order to become immobilised so you can speak to him), that’s pretty much it in terms of the new content for this DLC pack.

Further Reading – Stellar Blade Review (PS5) – A Stellar, Action-Packed PlayStation Debut For Korean Developer Shift Up

In terms of value, it pretty much goes without saying that fans of Nier Automata will absolutely lap up these new themed costumes, even if the busywork to get them can prove to be a tad dull. Ranging from costumes that essentially transform Eve into 2B to Emil’s head, it’s fair to say that in the case of the former costume at least, 2B has never ever looked this good or this detailed.

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And overall, this Nier: Automata Stellar Blade DLC corroboration raises an interesting point – what would a brand new, all-singing, all-dancing Nier title that leverages the latest visual tech look like? On the evidence of this beautifully crafted dollop of DLC, it’s certainly way overdue for Yoko Taro’s magnum opus to make a comeback, so here’s hoping we hear something sooner rather than later on that front.

In terms of Stellar Blade itself, this Nier: Automata collaboration not only marks the first time a paid DLC offering has been released for the game (all of the DLC has, so far, been free), but it also clearly shows that developer Shift Up continues to demonstrate the sort of robust and constant support for its game that other developers could surely do well to learn from.

DLC code for Stellar Blade Nier Automata DLC kindly supplied by PR.

The Stellar Blade Nier Automata DLC is available now and costs $9.99/£7.99.