Speaking during an interview with IGN, Supermassive Games‘ Will Byles revealed that upcoming teen horror romp The Quarry will feature 186 unique endings.
Multiple endings are nothing new for Supermassive Games — Until Dawn and The Dark Pictures Anthology have more than enough in this department — but 186 is a staggering figure. And it’s not just down to whether a character lives or dies; Byles explained there’s more to it than that, thanks to the sheer amount of branching story paths.
We write it like a movie screenplay… actors are used to a 100-page script [on a feature film], the script for this is over 1000 pages. [The actors] can get very alarmed. We have to shoot 50 pages a day, which is unheard of. It’s a mad amount of footage.
We worked out 186 different endings for those characters, not just alive or dead… the stories that they have on the way through are massively varied. Branches really are a mathematical nightmare. It’s just exponential.
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The Quarry is currently in development for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. The game features a Movie Mode that allows you to finish it without even pressing a button, allowing you to make decisions before the action plays out like a regular film.