Far Cry 5 Feature Guide PS4 Ubisoft

Far Cry 5 Reaping Truck – How to Open, Glitch And Loot

On your adventure, you'll have seen a Far Cry 5 Reaping Truck or two driving around Hope County. These large white trucks are full of loot, so well worth tracking down!

The Reaping Trucks in Far Cry 5 have an important weakness that you can exploit. And if you manage to crack them open you'll be bathing in loot stolen right from the hands of the occultists.

Far Cry 5 Reaping Truck Guide

Want to know how to open a Reaping Truck? Get up close and you'll notice a yellow box near the back tyre. In this box, there's a lever which you can use to lowers a ramp and opens the back doors.

These loot trucks are easy to hijack as they're not heavily guarded, so you could just shoot the driver or burst the tyres, then you'll have free reign to enter and pillage the goods.

Far Cry 5 Reaping Truck Glitch

There's a few reports on social media that the lever isn't opening the doors properly on every occasion. We've experienced this on one occasion and presume it's one of the Far Cry 5 glitches.

There’s plenty of other ways aside from these loot trucks to get cash and weapons. Check out the prepper stash locations and find out the best money farming area.

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