Far Cry 5 Feature Guide PS4 Ubisoft

Far Cry 5 Easter Eggs And Secrets They Want You To Find

far cry 5 easter eggs

Hidden around Hope County, Ubisoft has planted numerous Far Cry 5 Easter Eggs. Though we're still expecting to find more Easter Eggs in Far Cry 5 and hidden secrets, the ones discovered so far are pretty cool!

In Far Cry 4 there was a secret mission, secret locations and secret weapons, but let's take a look at what's been found so far in Ubisoft's latest open-world action-adventure. The good news is you can find some of the Easter Egg locations fairly easily, though you’ll have to hunt around for others.

If you’re looking for prepper stashes or silver bars, check out our other guides, but for now let’s take a look at some of the secrets in Far Cry 5.

Far Cry 5 Easter Eggs

Far Cry 5 Humor

There's a cool nod to Assassin's Creed in one of the earlier missions in Far Cry 5, showing that the Ubisoft developer definitely has a sense of humor. In one of the first missions given to you by Dutch, you're instructed to climb a radio tower and activate the antennae. In previous Far Cry 5 games, you could climb towers to remove the fog from regions and open up the map. It's also a mechanic we've seen in other games by the company, including Assassin's Creed. Presuming this was exactly what was going to happen, we headed up to the tower, but had a lovely surprise. A radio call comes in:

“I know what you're thinking, and no. I ain't gonna have you climbing towers all over the county for me, so don't worry.” What a relief!

far cry 5 leap of faith
Far Cry 5 Easter Eggs – Jump like an Assassin.

Far Cry 5 Leap Of Faith

Ubisoft's doesn't miss the opportunity to include a reference to Assassin's Creed's Leap Of Faith move. Once you've done enough damage to the Cult in the Henbane River region, you'll come to point where you're drugged by Faith. Look out for the message that appears on screen saying “You've been blessed”. In one of the cutscenes, the US Marshall takes a leap of faith just like one of the assassin's, and then it's your turn to take a leap of faith of a mountain!

Cool Far Cry 5 Bobbleheads

Among the Far Cry 5 easter eggs, you can unlock at least two cool bobbleheads. First up, is the Devious Rabbids Bobblehead. You'll recognize this cheeky character from the Raving Rabbids series. This bobblehead appeared in one the trailers, and it appears he is yet to be found! Let us know if you find it! Meanwhile, you can unlock a Vaas bobblehead - he's wearing a cute dress, and a Pagan Min bobblehead!

There’s also a Rabbid Bobblehead you can purchase from the Ubisoft Club section in-game, and the Far Cry 4 Madness Bobblehead if you owned Far Cry 4.

far cry 5 vaas bobblehead

Far Cry 5 Dinosaur Park

There was a rumor a while back that Ubisoft may include dinosaurs in Far Cry 5. That hasn't happened yet, but one of the cool Easter Eggs in Far Cry 5 is when you discover a dinosaur park. There's no real dinosaurs here, but there are some references to Primal and some cool statues.

far cry 5 primal easter egg
Far Cry 5 Easter Eggs – Discover a park from Primal.

Far Cry 5 IT reference

In John's Region, just to the West of Rye & Sons Aviation, there's a tunnel with a single red balloon outside. You can see its location in the video below. However, there's also a hut in the game that is decked out with references to the killer clown. As discovered by Top 10 Gaming (around 4.15 minutes), the room contains many other eerie messages from the horror movie.

far cry 5 IT easter egg

Rainbow 6 Siege and Far Cry 3 Outfits

Ubisoft loves to hide stuff from other franchises in its game and Far Cry 5 is no different. The Rainbow Six Siege outfit and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon outfit were revealed some time ago, but it's how to unlock them that's the big secret.

First up, let's have a look at the Omega soldier outfit. You'll unlock this by completing a side quest for Guy Marvel, a Hollywood director. His location is in Faith's Regions, just to the East of Hope County Jail at the Grimalkin Radon Mine. We won't spoil the quest as it's one of our favorites!

Next, you can unlock the Rainbow Six Siege outfit simply by having a Ubisoft Club Account. Just go into the Ubisoft Rewards section in-game and you can pick it up right there. You can also get the Far Cry Primal outfit from there, but it won’t be unlocked until a later date.

Alex Jones and PUBG reference

Some of the weirdest Far Cry 5 Easter Eggs, seem to take a pop at ‘conspiracies’.There’s a frying pan that’s bulletproof not far from Raptor Peak. And there’s also a newsletter from Zip that apparently takes a dig at US host of Infowars, Alex Jones. It mentions frogs having massive orgies and animals are turning homosexual. Although many consider this to be a ridiculous statement from Jones, apparently males are turning into females, which may or may not to do with contaminants in the water.

far cry 5 alex jones

Flat-Earthers Mocked

Check out the details for the long scope of the sniper rifle. “Designed for shooters interested in long range targets. Don't forget the curvature of the earth. It's not flat.”

Secret Ending

We've detailed how to unlock the Far Cry 5 secret ending in another article, and it's well worth doing! You'll be able to enjoy a new cut-scene that completes the game in less than 10 minutes. This happens right near the beginning of the game, providing you don’t arrest John Seed. You can then play it properly of course!

Stay tuned as more Easter Eggs are discovered!

More Far Cry 5 Secrets