In our Conan Exiles guide to Thralls, we already had a look at how to capture them and all the various types. In that guide we show you how to create the Wheel of Pain and use it, and also reveal the purpose of each of your slaves. In this section, we're going to take a look at healing Thralls.
Healing Thralls
There's currently a bug in Conan Exiles that prevents healing Thralls as effectively as you'd like. Some Thralls aren't healing at all, or taking a very long time. Though we'd expect this to be fixed soon with an update, there's two ways you can still boost the health of a Thrall.
How To Heal Thralls
Generally, thralls heal by themselves over a period of time. However, this glitch is stopping some from healing properly. Players cannot heal thralls. Once Funcom has launched the patch then they will regenerate health over time.
Until then, there's a few things you can do. Some players are reporting that (at high levels) if you tame an Entertainer Thrall and place it next to the thrall you wish to heal, a health regen buff activates and slowly heals them. This trick isn't working for everyone.
Others are reporting that by placing a consumable food item into the Thrall's inventory, some of them are eating it and getting a health boost. Once again, this isn't working for everyone.
So, try these two tips, and if they don't work, then it looks like you'll have to wait until the next Conan Exiles patch. At this point, when their health is low they should regain full health within an hour. If you’ve working out how to heal thralls, let us know in the comments below.
Funcom also plans to release an update that prevent players in PvE from killing Thralls. In the meantime, check out some of our other tips: