Guide: List Of All PS3 Games Without Trophies
Check out our guide of all the PS3 games without Trophies! After all, pre-2009, PS3 games didn’t have Trophies.
Check out our guide of all the PS3 games without Trophies! After all, pre-2009, PS3 games didn’t have Trophies.
Join us as we take a trip down memory lane through the five generations of PlayStation home console, their launch games, specs and sales.
2K and Gearbox Software have confirmed the special and collectors editions versions of Borderlands 3 which will be available at release.
Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts has released a short Metal Gear Solid tribute video – starring David Hayter – celebrating the series’ 31st anniversary.
The new Fortnite Update 1.53 is a 10GB patch! However, according to Epic Games is was only supposed to fix …
It has a hell of a lot going against it, but Metal Gear Survive almost successfully fights back against the wave of negativity surrounding it.
The first post-Kojima Metal Gear is not off to the best of starts as Metal Gear Survive sales are 85% lower than that of Metal Gear Rising.
Metal Gear Survive story focuses on a shady organisation, a deadly virus, and otherworldly nonsense. Certainly sounds like a Metal Gear then.
Accept the mission and play three great chapters in the Metal Gear franchise with the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. …
In the struggle to achieve world peace and world dominance, rivaling governments are secretly developing weapons technology that could threaten …