Geoff Keighley has revealed that there will be a special announcement for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare during the Gamescom pre-show festivities on Monday, August 19. There’s no clue yet as to what this will be, but fans will definitely want to tune in and see what Infinity Ward has in store for the game.
Maybe it’s that long-rumoured remaster of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Okay, probably not, but I can still dream, right?
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare For Gamescom Pre-Show
Not only did Keighley confirm a special announcement for the game, but he revealed that fans will be able to soak up brand new footage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in action. Hopefully this means we’ll finally get a look at the campaign in action.
So far, we’ve seen a boatload of info about the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer offering, but the story mode has been keeping a low profile. If for some reason you have missed it all, then have a butchers at this 24-minute gameplay video of the multiplayer in action.
Infinity Ward has also revealed that those of you who can’t (or don’t want to) take their game online can still get their jolly’s with online bots, so that’s good to know.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One on October 25. The game will eschew the traditional Season Pass model in favour of free content updates, and Infinity Ward is promising its post-launch slate for Modern Warfare will be the biggest in the series’ history.
In related news, publisher Activision has heavily indicated that it isn’t binning its yearly release schedule for the multi-million dollar selling first-person shooter franchise.
Finally, it’s been rumoured that a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare battle royale mode is on the horizon for early 2020.
Source: Twitter