Far Cry 5 Feature Guide PS4 Ubisoft

Far Cry 5 Weapons Guide – Customize Your Playstyle

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Littered throughout Hope County in Far Cry 5 you'll discover plenty of weapons. And you're going need them!

Alongside melee weapons, bows and AK-47's, you can even use vehicles to cause carnage. The Far Cry 5 weapon customization also allows you to upgrade your weapons for even more firepower.

Choosing which weapon to equip depends on your own playstyle. If you enjoy wading in through the front door and tackling enemies head on then you could be an RPG kind of guy, or maybe you like taking a back seat and sniping enemies from afar. Whatever your playstyle, the range of Far Cry 5 weapons cater for every kind of player.

As you progress through Far Cry 5, you'll uncover new weapons and weapon attachments. Customization extends to the likes of skins, premium skins, base colours and attachments.

far cry 5 shooting
Use Far Cry 5 weapons to adapt your playstyle .

Far Cry 5 Weapons for Melee Players

Included in the list of melee weapons in Ubisoft's action-adventure, you'll find:

  • Can
  • Rock
  • Bait
  • Baseball Bat
  • Shovel
  • Throwing Knife
  • Molotov
  • Pipe Bomb
  • Dynamite
  • Grenade
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Remote Explosive
  • Proximity Explosive

Far Cry 5 Weapons For The Fighter

If you're the type of player, who prefers something to grasp hold off with a bit of fire-power, then some of the Far Cry 5 weapons include:

  • Pistols likes the MP40
  • Shotguns like the D2 and M1911
  • Assault Rifles like the AR-C
  • Grenade Launchers
  • RPGs
  • Compound Bow
  • Mortars
  • Sniper Rifles (MBP .40)
  • Mounted Weapons

It doesn't end there. Vehicles can be a valuable weapon. You can use the Rye & Sons Hydroplane to reign terror on enemies with guns and bombs, helicopter to fire down bullets, and you can use mounted guns to cause havoc. You can also run over folk if you like!

As we head towards the release of Far Cry 5, we'll be taking a deeper look at the weapon customization options so stay tuned! In the meantime, read the review and some other guides.

Far Cry 5 Guides for Survival