Feature Guide Ni no Kuni 2 PS4

Ni no Kuni 2 Best Higgledies For Combat Guide

ni no kuni 2 the engraver's riddle

Finding all the Higgledy locations in Ni no Kuni 2 is no small task, but it's worth it! These magical creatures are here to assist you in combat through your journey. In the following Ni no Kuni 2 Best Higgledies guide, we're going to tell you all you need to know.

In Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, there's a ton of stuff to do. From finding all the songbooks and looking for secret areas to recruiting citizens, there's hours of fun.

Ni no Kuni 2 Best Higgledies

Higgledies are your companions. Whenever you find their stone locations, you'll unlock the likes of Twinkle the Twee and Poppie the Pure who will help you in combat with their range of special abilities. You can also cook them up by finding the right materials and create your own little army.

These lovely little sprites can heal you,buff you and attack enemies, but even the best Higgledies can struggle against toughest enemies. Higgledies sport two different attributes for attack and defense, called Feistiness and Hardiness.

ni no kuni 2 higgledies
Find all the Ni no Kuni 2 best Higgledies and experiment with abilities.

Pair Higgledy Abilities Together For A Boost

They also have four different skills, depending on which Higgledy you have with you in battle. Pairing the right Higgledies together can be extremely beneficial, resulting in a bonus. Currently, we’ve been unable to trigger this bonus, so at the moment it’s a case of trial and error.

There's no right or wrong answer to choosing the best Higgledies for battle with Evan, Roland, Tani and other playable characters. It's a matter of choosing the ones that suit your playstyle or the enemy that you're facing. Monsters have icons next to them allowing you to see what type of creature they are, so always check that out so you can plan your attack. With the ability to bring four Higgledies into combat, your work is cut out on who to take with you!

For example, if an enemy's weakness is fire, then it makes sense to use a Higgledy that has a water elemental ability. Each of these creatures will have either a: Fire, Light, Darkness or Water elemental ability. They also have an active power that you can use when you call them over. Just hold the ‘X’ button.

Remember to save your game ahead of any battle, because your Higgledies are locked into battle once they've been selected. We’d recommend checking our Higgledy guide linked above, and spending some time finding as many as possible to experiment with the best set-ups.

More Ni no Kuni 2 Guides

To find out more, check out our Ni no Kuni 2 review, or visit the official website.