Mossmouth‘s Spelunky 2 has re-emerged from development in today’s State of Play with a brand new trailer and the announcement of Spelunky 2’s release date, which is September 15, 2020.
Beyond the release date announcement, creator Derek Yu also confirmed that Spelunky 2 would support online multiplayer too. Beyond such facts, Yu also confirmed that Spelunky 2 would not only have many more secrets, but also more characters for the characters to play, an expanded shop system and many, many more fiendish enemies and NPCs for the player to tangle with.
You can watch the Spelunky 2 PS4 release date trailer below:
The Spelunky 2 release date was one of a number of reveals from today’s State of Play which you can rewatch here. You can also catch up on all the announcements from the show here. Spelunky 2 was originally announced all the way back in October 2017 at Paris Games Week and other than a gameplay trailer in 2018 we haven’t seen much from the title. Back in April, Derek Yu did state that the game is still on track for a 2020 release.
Spelunky 2 is set to come to PS4 on September 15, 2020.