The Gran Turismo movie is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to PlayStation Productions‘ foray into film and TV, with Asad Qizilbash (PlayStation Productions) and Sanford Panitch (Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group) revealing Sony has over 10 projects in the works.
The news comes following the first trailer for the Gran Turismo movie, with Panitch saying the company has “more than 10 projects in development and production between the flame and television groups.”
We’ve already heard about many of these projects, including the God of War TV show, The Last of Us TV show, Horizon Zero Dawn TV show, Uncharted movie (it’s been described as a franchise by Sony), the Twisted Metal TV show, a Days Gone film, Ghost of Tsushima film, Gravity Rush film and Jax and Daxter movie.
It’ll be interesting to see what Sony has up its sleeves beyond the aforementioned projects, although there’s tons of properties ripe for the picking.