Far Cry 5 Feature. Guide

Far Cry 5 Water Works Mission Walkthrough

water works mission

While Far Cry 5 is a destructive, giddy symphony of violence, it does have its quieter moments (that somehow end up with violent chaos involved anyway, just…less of it). The Water Works mission is one such example.

This side mission allows you to water a lovely pumpkin patch, but it can be a tough time figuring out exactly what you need to do. That’s where we come in! So read our Far Cry 5 Water Works mission walkthrough, and you too can provide fresh water and pumpkins for all (some).

How To Complete The Water Works Mission

First off, you’ll need to liberate the cult outpost of Sunshine Farm. Once you’ve done that, talk to one of the resistance fighters to start this mission.

You'll be required to find three pieces of irrigation pipe and then install it in the pumpkin patch The pipe pieces are in a video game fetch quest, so naturally they are bloody hard to find and spread apart from each other.

First Pipe Piece

Thankfully, all three pieces will be marked by waypoints, but it’s a little vague beyond that. For the first piece, you’ll need to head north of the waypoint. Then you need to go around behind the general shop. Climb up to the next floor and you should see the pipe piece.

Second Pipe Piece

You’ll have to grapple up to the top of the red barn first. Once there, look at the wind turbine. The pipe is somehow stuck up there. To remove and retrieve it, just simply shoot it down.

Third Pipe Piece

This pipe piece is on the back of a flatbed attached to a truck. Sounds simple, but approaching the truck means the driver gets spooked and drives off. That leaves you with two choices. Either chase the truck or simply shoot the pipe piece off the flatbed.

Once you've collected all the pipe pieces, you must head back to Sunshine Farm and install the pieces at the pumpkin patch. It’s possible you may encounter some animal resistance when you do, so be ready for that. Once the pipe is installed go collect your reward. You’ve completed the Water Works mission! Easy as that!

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